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Our Footprint
For On-site Occupational Medicals & Medical Supplies, we provide these services country-wide. As for the Insurance Medicals, we continue to expand our Travel Nurse outreach so we make this service available country-wide. See the following illustration:
Insurance Medicals
Oshakati |
Ekuku |
Ongwediva |
Insurance Medicals
Windhoek |
Our Footprint
For On-site Occupational Medicals & Medical Supplies, we provide these services country-wide. As for the Insurance Medicals, we continue to expand our Travel Nurse outreach so we make this service available country-wide. See the following illustration:
Insurance Medicals
Oshakati |
Ekuku |
Ongwediva |

Insurance Medicals
Windhoek |
Covid -19 Vaccination

Portable Medic fully supports Covid-19 protocols. 100% of our Staff has been vaccinated and also got the booster shot. We urge the public to take their covid-19 vaccinations and to keep being extra safe during these tough times. Thank you all.